Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Guest Lecture #18 - Jason Oberholtzer (I Love Charts)

Today's guest lecture is by Jason Oberholtzer of I Love Charts. Jason actually had an alternative guest lecture all ready to go - titled 'The Week The Internet Almost Exploded" - but decided to update it once he realized what was going to be all over the East Coast this weekend. Jason also has a blog on the Forbes site, and recently announced an upcoming book for I Love Charts. Thanks, Jason!
And thus ends guest lecture week - there might be more guest lectures randomly dispersed over the next few months, as I might need a quick substitute as I try to finish up some scientific work - but for now, hopefully you enjoyed different voices and different faces. If the power is still on later, things will be back to lessons as usual on Monday. Catch you then.