Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1107 - Memory

Major extra credit to you if you would have gotten a Marcus Tsung reference here. I doubt any of you will.
Quick side notes:
An old STW was referred to in the periodical "OT Practice" as 'more information' in regards to an article titled "Therapeutic Humor: Helping people with autism and related disorders to understand the constructs of humor can enhance their social skills." If that seems bizarre to you, believe me, it's just as bizarre to me. (Thanks to reader Beth for the heads-up.)
Also, if you've ever wanted to sign up for the STW forums, but were put off by the insanely hard captcha image that led to a number of emails in which people claimed to not realize they had color-blindness or vision problems before attempting to decipher it, an image that had to remain as such to prevent the Russian spam bots from invading, I've been able to change the registration test to something much simpler. So feel free to give it another shot.