Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1172 - Joining In

Now, if we suddenly became human-crow hybrids, that changes things.
So . . . ANNOUNCEMENT. I am very happy to announce that I've joined the ranks of the good folks atTopatoco! I'm really very excited by this - Topatoco has pretty much one of the best reputations of any group on the internet, and this way, I'll be able to make sure that STW labcoats, pint glasses, and other future good stuff will be able to get to you almost wherever you live. Shipping will be much faster and more reliable than if you were dealing solely with me to get them out - so this is great news for all of you, too. Plus, this will allow me to make STW prints available, which I've been wanting to do for a while.
Jeffrey, Holly, and everyone else there has been incredibly nice and welcoming to me since I first made contact with them last year at SPX - Jeffrey was the one who came up with the great description for STW as "the guy who stands next to a blackboard with things written on it that explain to you why you're an asshole" - so I'm really looking forward to working with them. I'm in the process of shipping them the boxes of stuff I have, so soon enough the goods will be available to you all.
I'm going to keep using the Spreadshirt store for shirts, but everything else will be going through Topatoco.
Anyway, yes. I hope you're as excited as I am! Some very cool stuff is happening, I'm glad I'll be able to work with Topatoco to do it, and I think you'll be pretty happy, too!