Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1284 - Dimensionless Numbers

Oh, mathematics, how you make me completely rethink pop culture. My mind, it is blown.
The above terms for dimensionless numbers are completely true, by the way. Which leads us into . . .
THE NEW HOMEWORK: Most dimensionless numbers are named after the person who creates them and are a unitless relationship of terms - as in the Reynolds number is equal to diameter times velocity times density divided by viscosity. With that in mind, define the mathematical term named after you. Would the "Horace number" be happiness divided by poor decisions multiplied by cats? Be creative. Bonus points if you can make your number actually dimensionless.
Your answer can be visual or written, but keep it short - anything long will be deleted. Email your homework in with your name and location with the subject line "HOMEWORK: MATH" to be received no later than Thursday, 1/12, at noon ET. Best answer wins and will be posted here next Friday (with the following week's assignment to be handed out then). Enjoy.
(Note: the best answers to last week's homework will be posted tomorrow.)
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I am flying out to Colorado today! If you would be interested in a meet-up, I will be at the Pearl Street Pub in Boulder around 3 PM. If things change up, I'll post something on Twitter.