Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1382 - Rational Explanations of Irrational Phobias, Part IX

I'd wage all-out war on my brain, but it would know what I'm planning before I could attack, and even if I did win, the results of the conflict would probably have a devastating effect on my life going forward.
I don't know why I don't do this phobia series more often. Rationalizing why we're oh so often debilitatingly irrational? It's work for the good of mankind!
STUDENT PRESENTATIONS: Today is the last day to send in a comic to run during my paternity leave, if you're interested in doing so! There've been a number of good submissions - drawn or photographed or whatever - so if you've got a good idea, put it together, and I look forward to seeing it! Thanks!
BLACKBOARD: Random question - if you work for a school and you're throwing out your old black slate chalkboard so you can replace it with a whiteboard, and you live within driving distance of me, well, um . . . would you be interested in donating it to STW? Let me know.
STW STORE: I'm working on a few new designs which I hope to finish this weekend - including a onesie for all the baby STW students out there - in the meantime, hey, maybe a shirt or a labcoat would make a great graduation gift! Maybe, I don't know. Take a look and see.