Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1630 - Danger and Glory

Every detail about the attempts at the water speed record make you do a double take. 85% fatality rate? Someone made an attempt at the record in 1967, died when his boat cartwheeled across the water, and his body wasn't found until 2001? Why not just attack a motor and propellers to a shark, at this rate? That seems just as safe and would bring you just as much glory and fame, if any.
WEBCOMIC APP: One of the things readers have been requesting from me for years has been an app of some type - which, given the fact that I work, was never going to be something I'd have the time to put together, and which, given the fact that I did a terrible job designing the original site design, was never going to be something I could do. But there's a really nice webcomic app that should be available soon - one that is finally being put together with the support of other webcomickers and in support of them, as opposed to some random jerk just taking advantage of other's intellectual content. Comic Chameleon is being put together by Bernie Hou, who ran one of the original photocomics and made it possible for others like mine, and it looks awesome. And, either shortly before or shortly after it goes live, STW will be added to their roster! And, it's free! So if you've been wanting a STW app for a long, long time, here you go. Thanks for your, um, patience.