Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #209 - Supernames

There seriously is an Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man. His superpower? To be able to transform his body into any animal, vegetable, or mineral. So basically, he can turn into anything. Amazing power . . . incredibly stupid name.
This comic was inspired by an article in a recent Rolling Stone that focused on people in real-life who dress up as superheroes and try to enact justice in their neighborhoods. It may sound like adults running around in tights who never grew up, but the story shows how they're just people trying to do what good they can, even if there's little balance or structure in their own lives.
Anyway, if you're going to go out there as a superhero (or supervillain), at least try to come up with a good name. Something better than Mr. Banjo, at least.
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Because of the holidays, the crossword is going to be late this month. Bear with us.