Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #2642 - Big Question #18

The response to yesterday's comic and some of the more offensive voices have been at the crux of this question. But that's for me to deal with, not you. Cast your vote and decide!
LAST WEEK'S QUESTION: The results from last week's question are as follows:
Chemistry: 42.6% Bang, 28.3% Marry, 29% Kill
Physics: 43.1% Marry, 32% Kill, 24.9% Bang
Biology: 39% Kill, 32.4% Bang, 28.6% Marry
There seemed like an obvious natural fit to the question - you bang physics, you marry chemistry, and you kill biology - but hey, to each their own, apparently.
All questions and final results for all Big Questions can be found on this page!