Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #2674 - Nostalgia

I saw Star Wars yesterday! I won't spoil it for you, but I probably didn't enjoy it as much as everyone else has seemed to? My neighbor went with me and he was utterly gleeful in his seat, but I felt like the movie was almost slathered with nostalgia. Oh well. I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to see it and I hope no one spoils it for you! After all, when you're named Luke, people are all too giddy to spoil Empire Strikes Back for you, a thousand times over.
This is the first of two comics today - we had our first child-related ER visit, this time for a jewelry-bead-up-the-nose yesterday, so that kind of delayed things. Anyway. Yeah. Parenting is fun. Anyway. Click forward for another comic!