Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #278 - Creationism

Let's accept the idea, just for the sake of this argument, that God - some god, any god - created man.
Now, regardless of what you actually believe, you have to accept that the overall intricacy of the human body is amazing and practically a work of art by whoever created it. The way blood is transported throughout the body, the control that the brain employs over the entire body despite its incredible reliance on each fragile lobe, how neurons fire messages across synapses to direct movement and nerves, the multitude of organs and their functions, the body's capability for self-repair - even for people who hate biology, we have to admit we are completely amazed at the entire scope of the human body. The fact that there are so many details that sciencestill hasn't figured out is truly beyond comprehension.
So now, we're accepting that the human body is a work of art, and that God created man.
Now, there are just a number of examples of development among other species - indications where we can see how some creatures developed through time to become the animals that live among us today. Similarities in bone structure between turtles and horses and bats, the natural geographical distribution of related species like the hundred kangaroo species in Australia in the absence of dogs and cats, the fact that a man's DNA is ninety percent identical to a baboon - just a number of scientific points exist which would certainly suggest evolution is a possibility.
This is the part of the argument where the opposing sides seem to falter over. While there may be seemingly obvious linkage between the development of different species, creationists can't seem to accept that man may have developed from species that exists before man came into being because God is excluded from the argument. Meanwhile, in the search of perfect scientific answers, evolutionists immediately have to set aside God from the argument in order to remove a fallback answer when they can't come up with an easy conclusion.
After completely considering both sides of the argument, here's the point that we come to - if God did go to such work to create the complex system that is man, suggesting that he certainly has some appreciation for science, why would he just jump in and create? Wouldn't that just seem like cheating? With the way that the entire world is, it just seems inconceivable to us that God would go to all this effort to create each species individually without linking them together. In fact, it seems much more likely that God would actually want something like evolution as a greater work of scientific art.
It's not an easy conclusion to come to - the problem with the argument of creationism is that it's just an easy fallback position to escape the study of science and the possibility that perfect evolutionary proof might exist. And when you have to rationalize potentially opposing beliefs, to us, it just seems like God would be working to promote evolution.
Who knows. We just believe you have to keep an open mind, and that outright open rejection of science isn't the way to go about it.