Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #3330 - Community

I swung through MICE, the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo, today for a brief moment and was reminded just how great the comics community is, and it's primarily because it is a collection of so many independent individuals. I have never felt more welcomed as an outsider than when I started making comics, and I think you can see that nature at a good comics expo, where everyone and their works are distinct, and they have strength in themselves and as a whole because there is support for the individuals and thus strength in the whole. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but of all the communities I have been a part of, I don't think I've ever felt so welcomed to be my own self and my own voice, and that has certainly shaped the strength to which I am willing to fight for others and their efforts and their views within the community. There are really crappy comics shows, too, but there is an inherent lack of strength exhibited there that coincides with the lack of support they provide.
Anyway. I'm grateful for such a community. I hope I can maintain my placce within. I hope you have a similar community, if not the same one, and a place within there as well.