Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #500 - Men in Uniform

Boy Scouts. Depending who you ask, either an incredibly uncool organization, or the best fraternity you'll ever be a part of. Either way, the uniform probably isn't a turn-on for women.
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If you've ever read comic books over a significant period of time, you know that the comic industry loves to have celebratory issues as often as they can. Every issue ending in #25, #50, #75, or #00 is another chance to celebrate the fact that the comic still exists. Beyond that, there's other anniversary issues, annuals, and plenty of other reasons to make certain issues unique.
I think a lifetime of reading comic books sits in the back of my mind everytime I come to one of these round number milestones, because even though the recitations throw off the total comic count, it's still nice to celebrate the fact you continue to exist. Anyway, that should explain the lack of a lab coat today. Think of the change as a hologram cover. Thanks for celebrating with me, just by reading today.