Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #585 - Meat Additives

"No, no, meatloaf is today, not pot roast! Put that pot roast mold away and get out the meatloaf mold! And while you're at it, nobody put away the chicken patty mold yesterday, so take care of it, will ya?"
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A request to everyone who uses Digg or Reddit or any of those type of sites - please don't take the comic image you're sharing, load it onto another site, and then link to it there. I appreciate the intent, but when you do that, you're kind of removing credit from STW. It's irritating enough to have someone share a link to their site and I see one of my comic with the website's name removed from underneath. Please just link directly to the STW page and not the image hosted somewhere else. Thanks.
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Starting tomorrow STW will be running the top student presentation submissions. So it'll be something completely different. If it works, it works, and if it doesn't, whatever. You've got to try new things to succeed.