Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #620 - Canine Conversions

Today's comic goes out to anyone who has never allowed their dog to relieve itself while out on a run. I wish I was so mean I could do that. Instead, I just allow German to drive me nuts.
Still, unit-lovers must be excited. Not only do we not have dog years, but now we even have dog velocity! You're welcome.
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So a lot of people have solved the crossword puzzle to get to the STW lesson at the heart of it, but according to Justin, no one has figured out the bonus answer at the end - the colored letters are a final clue, not the answer. It takes a little bit of extra thought to get, and it ties back into the lesson. If you need help figuring it out, maybe you can talk with other people in the forums?