Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #660 - Anniversary, Part II

Yes, those are screaming rubber chicken boxers. Which answers another common question, I suppose.
Two years ago I started Surviving the World when I felt my brain was going to explode from an overload of creative ideas with no outlet for them to escape (I still have the notebook entitled "Plots and Schemes From A Cerebral Cortex Screaming to Get Out", whatever that means). I never planned on doing a daily comic until I posted the second comic on the second day; I never expected the comic to take off like it has the past year; I never imagined so many people would enjoy it.
While this has been an incredibly rewarding project regardless of who has been reading, as my brain no longer feels like it will explode, this past year has been overwhelming. However long you've been a part of the "class", thank you for reading and emailing and sharing links and snarking back at me and everything else. I truly appreciate your participation as much as anything else. Here's to another good year.