Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #880 - The Creepiness Of Potential Relationship Initiation

I have only used a line similar to "I would like to have your babies" twice. Once was to a male college hockey player to lighten the mood in an entire arena, and once was to a one-act play. Neither responded to my offer. In general, kids, show some courtesy and don't make the 'babies' offer. Relationships and friendships are creepy enough without you having to force fertilization into the conversation right off the bat.
Two pieces of news - first, I've been Ustreaming some of the STW-making the past few nights. If you're interested in watching sometime, I throw a link up on Twitter right before I start. Just a heads-up.
Secondly, I'm going to be up in Ithaca, NY this weekend, and will have some time on Saturday mid-day if people are interested in a STW meet-up. Send me an email if you're interested so I can estimate the number of people, and I'll post a time and place later in the week.