Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #925 - Numerology

Today is theSwede's birthday. I told her that whatever she wanted STW to be about today, that's what I'd make it about. I was sure I was going to have to hold one of the cats. I was positive I was going to be holding one of the cats. I will never be more sure of anything than I was that I would have to hold a cat.
Instead, she said, "Explain why the number seven is better than the number four." Her birthday day number versus mine.
Yeah, that was easy to work with. Oh well. Happy birthday, theSwede.
All the facts in the comic are true, by the way, based on a number of sources. I'd never heard of tetraphobia before coming across it. And while I get synchronicities and symbolic meanings behind things or words, as a scientist, I have a hard time placing much meaning behind a certain number unless it has units attached to it. So to take the universal language and place vastly different meanings behind each character based on regional culture, it's just a bit hard to chew. Whatever you want numerology to mean.