Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Recitation #42 - Relationship Spark

Course, if you treat the whole 'relationship spark' like an actual cocktail, then you've got many other problems.
If you've got a question for recitation, send it on in. That's how the magic happens.
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A couple quick bits of news:
STW might be printed in the UMass college paper soon! So that's exciting. More so if you go to UMass, I guess.
Also, at the end of February, STW will be running a week of "Student Presentations". Time to let the students take over the class, of course. (I'd call them "Oral Presentations" but too many of you would associate that term with something else.) Feel free to send in your submission via email to be used as a comic, I'll sort through all the ones I get by mid-February, choose my seven favorites, and run them here on STW. Use whatever format you prefer - photograph, painting, digital artwork, whatever - and we'll see what happens. By sending in a lesson, of course, you give me the right to run it on the website for as long as STW exists and use it as however I see fit. Anyway, this should be fun, and I really need the chance to rebuild a backlog. Enjoy.