Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1180 - The Joy In Words

Really, try it - "fwhacking" is just a really fun word. If you're complaining to a referee about someone throwing too many elbows? "Come on, ref, he keeps whacking him with his elbows!" Now, perhaps you think that the joy starts and ends with "fwhacking". Well, you'd be wrong! Consider that 'bethrothed' is a really old fashioned way of referring to someone you're engaged to, and fiancee is just a slightly less old fashioned way. Well, shorten 'future wife' or 'future husband' to "fwife" and "fhusband". You wouldn't believe how much fun this is, either! And heck, there are a ton of "w" words just begging for an "f" in front! In multiple languages!
This may seem completely silly, but try it out. I guarantee your amusement and joy or your old vernacular back!