Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1252 - Christmas Tree Needles

And if you wear shoes inside the house? The needles will find a way in. It doesn't matter. Needles are kind of like feet vampires - once you invite them inside the house, they're in for good.
It's that time of the year, the holiday season. If your kids are getting to that point where they're asking about Santa, and you're trying to think of an answer that will suffice, may I suggest my science-backed proof of Santa's existence from last year? Sure, we can debate the scientific merits of it, but hey, it'll satisfy the kids, and might even push them into science. In my mind, that's a win-win.
HOLIDAY SHIPPING DEADLINES: if you're interested in pint glasses or labcoats, USPS DOMESTIC FIRST CLASS and USPS INTERNATIONAL PRIORITY orders must be in before this Friday. T-shirt deadlines start rolling in next week. In either case, thanks for supporting STW!