Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1353 - Creativity (Bracket Week IV)

Think of this bracket backwards - where the champion is now actually the starting point. If you take it from there into the losers' bracket, in this case, you go nowhere. But if you keep expanding in more and more directions with each choice you make on your idea, man, the possibilities are limitless (and would be depicted as such if the board didn't suddenly run out of room).
I really think this concept of creativity is kind of beautiful - not just because I think brackets are mathematically beautiful, but because if you progress forward with any new idea you have, who knows where it will take you? And since brackets are usually used for competition, here it's the reverse form: splitting off in new and different ways for creativity to take hold. And if it's an accomplishment just to make the tournament, then it shouldn't matter where you end up on the right side, as long you kept pushing it.
Anyway, this likely ends bracket week, unless I come up with a fifth idea tomorrow. Who knows!
STW CLASS NCAA BRACKET POOL: If you want to participate, you have to sign up TODAY by noon ET. Hope you'll play along, even if you don't know anything about it!