Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #147 - Childhood Nostalgia

Parents can allow Sesame Street to teach their kids the letters, teach their kids the numbers, even teach their kids how to do a dance called "The Pigeon," but at some point they need to step in and teach the kids themselves. Like how to eat properly. We sincerely doubt that the Cookie Monster's poor dieting is a primary reason behind the worldwide growth in childhood obesity. The idea that we will never again see the Cookie Monster swallow a phone because the hearing and speaking ends remind him of two delicious 'cuppycakes' is deeply saddening.
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Note the 'monster' ties in with Halloween. The next three lessons will tie in a bit more directly.
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We've also added two other comics to the Links page for the destruction of your work ethic - most of you have probably already heard of these, as STW is a much more recent comic than both of them, but we encourage you to head in their direction if you haven't before. Kate Beaton has a series of history-related comics, that are incredibly well-done and tickle our historical fancy (and if you've got any science background, don't miss her take on Nikola Tesla). Also, Meredith Gran's Octopus Pie has a great name and a great story, although you probably should start from the beginning to really enjoy it.
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Finally, thanks to Awful Announcing for the link yesterday. RSS feed hopefully will be up by the weekend. See you all tomorrow.