Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #148 - Halloween For Pets

When we were doing the research for the Halloween lessons (and yes, we do research for you, that's what makes us so great), we came across this list on Wikipedia. We stared at #7 for ten minutes before deciding to follow the reference, and realized we were actually looking at the list of top Halloween costumes for pets, and not the list of top Halloween costumes for adults.
(If anyone is now inspired to go to Wikipedia and correct their list and happen to give us credit for catching their mistake, we might love you forever. Or until November 1st. Whichever comes first.)
And yes, it's the National Retail Federation, or NRF, not NRO. At least we didn't say it was the NRA.
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The November crossword puzzle is almost finished - so finish up the October one so you can turn it in on time!