Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1685 - Octopus Delicacies

Technically, yes, odori-don is made with squid, not octopus, so the lesson title isn't completely accurate, but on the other hand, sannakji involves tentacles that, because they are still moving, are considered choking hazards, so I'll let the overly-broad eight-legged grouping slide.
Being motivated by the lesson titles like this is fun.
STW SHIRT SALE: From now until March 6th, the coupon code "GREENWEEK" will save you $5 if you get two STW shirts! And you can now get an extra 15% off with the coupon code "SCIENCE" through Wednesday, too! And I don't know why I made this new shirt design, either, but thanks for helping support STW, and here you go either way, enjoy or something: