Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1941 - French

The "Oh, I see, the writers decided it was easier not to try, although in their defense, at least he is not saying 'hoh hoh hoh' and eating cheese" method of determining how good a movie is. You don't see it often cited in film criticism textbooks. But hey, if you like it, I call this method "It Takes A Lot Of de Gaulle".
STW CALENDAR PARTY: December 3rd at Northeastern! 7 PM, 168 Snell EC, organized by NU's chapter of AIChE! If you're coming, hey, let us know!
I am trying to line up similar events in central Mass and RI the following week, so if you're a student at, say, Smith or Brown, and think you can help with the logistics, let me know?