Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1942 - Remakes

Did you know they're remaking It's A Wonderful Life? Or technically, making the sequel? It's entirely true. Look it up. Anyway, I haven't seen originality's tombstone but I'm sure the burial happened a while back and we just never heard about it.
LOBSTERMAS: Based on requests, I went and made Lobstermas shirts - including baby onesies - with one of two messages! If even one person goes for the 'What Child Is Bisque' shirt, I feel my entire existence on this world will be justified. You can get any of these shirts (and any of the other STW shirts) on sale for 15% off with the coupon code "WITHLOVE" through November 24th. Enjoy.
STW CALENDAR RELEASE: December 3rd, Northeastern University, 168 Snell, 7 PM. Comedy, fun, and calendars. See you there?