Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1965 - Ornamental Order

Like any good German, there is a pickle ornament on my tree. Like any good New Englander, there are three Red Sox ornaments on my tree. And like any good kid from the late 80's / early 90's, there are Ninja Turtle ornaments on my tree. Although I don't know why theSwede always make sure these beautiful ornaments are always hidden in the back. I mean, come on, dude. Er, wife.
STW CALENDARS: Reviews are in, and people are calling them "HEFTY" and "HUGE" and their excitement is overflowing. Wouldn't you like to join them and get one for yourself?
We're in the thick of HOLIDAY SHIPPING DEADLINES now, so don't wait much longer if you want any good ol' STW goods for the holidays! Deadlines can be found here for calendars, labcoats, pint glasses, and coffee mugs, and can be found here for all STW shirts!