Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #2785 - Pie IV (Bracket Week VIII)

Your vote matters - and we're in the final - so cast your vote wisely!
We've worked our way from an original 16-seeded bracket - having ranked the pies on factors including 'standard pie for throwing in face', 'likely pain induced by pie', 'drip factor', 'splash factor', 'taste factor' - and have now reached the final based on your voting! As always, this bracket will be determining what type of pie I will be throwing in Hunter's face at the department's awards ceremony next week.
Just a ton of votes were once again cast in the semifinals:
4-seed Key Lime (50.8%) over 1-seed Banana Cream (49.2%)
11-seed Shepherd's Pie (59.5%) over
2-seed Chocolate Cream (40.5%)
The up-to-date filled-in bracket looks like this:
So now we're to the Tasty Two - the final round. It's any pie's game at this point, so make your choice wisely! It's up to you!
We'll try to tape the pie-throwing when it happens next week. In the meantime, do your civic duty and vote! And thank you!