Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #92 - The Freshmen Fifteen, Part III

A little known fact about the infamous Freshmen Fifteen: the weight gain is more or less a myth, perpetuated by the end of growth spurts and the last traces of puberty adding on a few pounds naturally. Instead, it’s much better to think of the Freshmen Fifteen as a series of 15 lessons every freshman quickly learns while at college, from the first few hours upon their arrival to the end of their first semester. In the next group of lessons, we will be looking at the vast scope of the Fifteen to provide a little more insight for those just arriving at college. If you missed the start of the series, you can find the beginning back here.
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Surviving the World is pleased to announce a new feature as part of the photocomic/webcomic: a monthly homework assignment. As you may have guessed from the changed tagline above the day’s lesson, a crossword puzzle will now be available for you to go through and complete on your own time. Justin Smith, a puzzle creator who has had many crosswords nationally published in several different newspapers and magazines, will be developing the monthly puzzle with a STW lesson implemented into each grid. You should be able to print out the puzzle as a PDF (allowing for a little more excitement during classes or board meetings) or just work straight through it online using Java. There’s a new page on STW with more details, or you can jump straight to the puzzle here. Enjoy!