Surviving the World

A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd

Science Comic: Gene Therapy

Today is Chemical Engineering Day, so I decided to share one of the comics that my research students have produced this past semester!

This comic is part of an overall STEM demonstration that my undergraduate research student Zoe Simonson has been working on putting together for K-12 classrooms, and was drawn by Monica Keszler, who previously drew the science comic about refrigeration cycles. The full STEM module on gene therapy should be finished within the month and will be available for any educator interested in using it, including this comic!

Monica is currently on co-op in Germany but drew this four-page gene therapy comic before she left, and is currently drawing the next installment in my Drawn to Engineering series in Chemical Engineering Education. You can see more of her art here.

I'm pretty much just the editor on this one - it was basically entirely worked out by my students, which I'm pretty thrilled about. And I really like it! Hopefully you do, too!

If you're a K-12 STEM educator, and you're interested . . . let's talk! And collaborate! (And if you're a professor at another university and want to collaborate, let's definitely talk!) (And if you're NSF, hey, fund our work!)

All comics from my group are available for other STEM educators to use, but we retain all copyright on the comics, so please do not sell or distribute to other sources without our permission. You can access all science comics here.

More science comics to come! And happy Chemical Engineering Day.