Science the World

Creating STEM Modules and STEM Comics for Teachers Everywhere

STEM Modules

The following STEM modules are currently in development. All will be free to use but may have some initial cost in terms of supplies - all of which you should be able to obtain in your region:

HOT AIR BALLOONS: (cost = ~$20)
Subject matter: ideal gas law, density, temperature
Fields of interest: physics, engineering

Subject matter: friction, fluid
Fields of interest: physics, chemistry, engineering

DRUG DELIVERY: (cost = ~$10)
Subject matter: medicine, human physiology and anatomy
Fields of interest: biology, chemistry, engineering

SUPERBALLS: (cost = ~$10)
Subject matter: area, mass, synthesis, concentration, elasticity
Fields of interest: math, physics, chemistry, engineering

Subject matter: friction, fluid
Fields of interest: physics, chemistry, engineering