Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1256 - Political Speeches

True, there are still many of great speeches - but partly because of how divided everyone is on politics all the time, when you factor in the ever decreasing size of attention spans, none will be as memorable beyond short lines here and there. In the future, every speech will be fifteen words. Or less. Probably less. All of which leads us into . . .
THIS WEEK'S HOMEWORK: In the future, candidates will have fifteen words or fewer to state your case to win political office. So, if you are the one running for office . . . what is your brilliant fifteen word speech that will convince the masses to shower you with love and adoration and votes?
You may interpret this anyway you like - if you prefer a strictly visual route, that's fine; if you prefer a written answer, you have 15 words or less. Email your homework in with your name and location with the subject line"HOMEWORK: SPEECH" to be received no later than Thursday, 12/15, at noon ET. Best answer wins and will be posted here on Friday (with the following week's assignment to be handed out then). Enjoy.
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LAST WEEK'S HOMEWORK: Based on the 'recipe for disaster' comic, the assignment was: "Simply enough, what is the recipe for success?"
There were so many great responses, and it was truly uplifting to read them - I heartily encourage you to go through the assortment of excellent homework answers - but the best answer came from Ben in Winnetka, IL:
2 Cups Financial Responsibility
1 Pint Maturity
4 Teaspoons Trophy Wife
1 Shot Love
2 Cups Happiness
Half-Pound Vacation House.
1) Add Financial Responsibility, Maturity, Trophy Wife, and Vacation House in a large mixing bowl, stir until mixed
2) Pour Happiness into available pub glass
3) Take mixing bowl, throw into garbage or out nearest available window
4) Drop shot of love into the pub glass
5) Drink
Well done, Ben! You will receive a small prize from me. Thanks to everyone else for submitting a response. Enjoy reading through the many great answers.
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HOLIDAY SHIPPING DEADLINES: if you're interested in t-shirts, UPS STANDARD orders need to be placed by Monday for Canadian orders and by Thursday for US orders. If you're interested in pint glasses or labcoats, USPS DOMESTIC PRIORITY and USPS STANDARD orders should be ordered by Tuesday at noon. Thanks for supporting STW!