Surviving the World
A Photocomic Education by Dante Shepherd
Lesson #1290 - Strong Coffee

"Wouldn't 200 Proof Coffee really just be sludge?" you ask. Incorrect! What you're describing is better known as "200 Proof Coffee on the rocks". The rocks being the practically whole beans you chew along with the coffee, of course. 200 Proof Coffee: scouring . . . for your insides!
Trying something different with news updates I toss into the addendum. Might change it back tomorrow.
There was a lot of internet discussion about webcomics and comics yesterday. I don't really care - probably because I still like the word 'webcomic' as a word - but my feelings on the matter are here for you to read anyway, if you so desire.
Do you remember this comic on SOPA? Just a heads-up, but PIPA - the Senate's just-as-terrible version of the bill - is going to come to a vote on January 24th. Contact your representative and senators soon, if you can.
Finally, I created this feed to spread the good word about the new holidays - I'm hoping it will contain much more of your content than mine. Feel free to contribute.